Telegram, a widely used social networking app, boasts nearly 1.5 billion users globally, with 800 million active users monthly. Hamster Kombat, a mini app within Telegram, gained popularity initially on TikTok and subsequently on Telegram itself. It recently confirmed its status as the platform’s largest channel worldwide, amassing 11.25 million subscribers and boasting a community of “25 million CEOs” as depicted on its Telegram channel.
Mini apps on social networking platforms have gained traction recently, following the trend set by Notcoin (NOT), a viral game featuring a tap-to-earn mining mechanism. Notcoin achieved 30 million users within two months of its launch, demonstrating significant growth within the Web3 sector. After its listing on major crypto exchanges, Notcoin gained widespread international popularity.
Similarly, Hamster Kombat has achieved remarkable growth, now reaching 2.3 million accounts per post. Following closely behind is Telegram Tips, the second-largest channel in terms of subscribers on the platform.
Hamster Kombat is described as a “crypto exchange CEO simulator game” where players can increase their earnings by purchasing “upgrade cards,” inviting friends, and completing in-game quests. The game offers players a realistic CEO experience, contrasting with platforms like X (formerly Twitter) where users share their real-life expertise.
In addition to its gaming features, Hamster Kombat has announced a partnership with a blockchain network to introduce Hamster Kombat tokens. Although the specific blockchain partner has not been disclosed, the community has speculated names like Binance, Bybit, or Toncoin (TON). The game’s roadmap outlines plans for a token generation event in May, followed by the introduction of special cards and airdrop tasks. In June, Hamster Kombat aims to launch its soft currency alongside the HMSTR hard currency, further expanding its in-game economy.