The movie “Deadpool and Wolverine” is making waves with its impressive box office earnings. Just a week after its premiere, the film has outperformed “Logan,” in which Hugh Jackman also starred as Wolverine. Notably, both films received an R rating, but “Deadpool and Wolverine” has proven to be more commercially successful.
A significant portion of the new film’s revenue comes from the international market. Overseas audiences have appreciated the humor and action, helping the movie gross over $332 million. In the United States, the film also delivered strong results, earning nearly $300 million.
The success of “Deadpool and Wolverine” has surprised many experts. It was anticipated that the film’s earnings would drop sharply after the premiere, but this has not been the case. On the contrary, the movie continues to draw substantial revenue and is now vying for the title of the highest-grossing R-rated film in the history of the US and Canada.